The valorous land of Mewar with its rich literary and cultural heritage now has its own Mewar Talk Fest (MTF) that is organised every year since 2023. In MTF we organise literary events such as panel discussions, book reviews, workshops, live performances, connect with eminent speakers and personalities from the fields of education, media, theatre and cinema. MTF aims to engage the youth in dialogues and factual discussions with well-known speakers, writers, thinkers, activists and influencers, thereby enhancing their intellectual growth as well as overall personality development.
At the core of the fest are its treasured volunteers, who play a vital role in making it enjoyable & successful. For those who are willing to embark on this enriching journey of volunteering, we request them to visit our website and fill the ‘Volunteer registration form’ carefully (no later than 5/March/2024).
Become a volunteer for volunteering for a social cause. For Volunteering, fill up the form online to join with Mewar talk fest